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Translation Dictionary A WORK IN PROGRESS - Translation Dictionary for Translating IEPs for Schools or School Districts
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Table of Contents

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The following is a complete listing of all pages contained within this site.

Study of the Spanish Language
Go!Three-Way Cognates - everyone knows that Spanish-English cognates can help language students, but this list adds an entirely new dimension to cognate use
Go!Gazapos de prensa - subtle errors from real newspaper headlines reveal hilarious double meanings
Go!Gazapos Explained - explanations of the double meanings in the humorous newspaper headlines found on the main gazapo page
Go!Gender of Verb-Derived nouns - an ongoing data collection project regarding the gender of nouns such as comida, llamada, pedido, contenido, etc
Go!Humor - Refranes - fictitious "famous quotes" that display an ironic style of humor
Go!Main Spanish Contents Page - the welcome page for the Spanish Corner, with links to each article
Go!Spanish-English Dictionary for IEPs - IEP documents are yearly academic summaries required for each individual student in a Special Education program in the United States
Go!Entire Contents of IEP Translation Dictionary - click here to bypass the word-search interface of the dictionary and go straight to the contents

Study of the English Language
Go!Wacky Newspaper Headlines - even the pros make grammar mistakes! View some great journalistic faux pas here!
Go!Journalism Faux Pas Demystified - an explanation of the same silly newspaper headlines mentioned in the above link

MS Word Macros - VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
Go!Introduction to MS Word Macros - the bare essentials of VBA macro use for Microsoft Word. all you need to know to utilize the macros on this site
Go!A Macro Demonstrating the "Find" (Search) Function - automatically find and delete every occurrence of a certain word, phrase, or string of characters
Go!A Macro for Cleaning Up HTML Code - this macro is based on "Tidy HTML," but it won't delete code; it will only format it
Go!A Macro for "Removing Paragraphs" - actually, the content of the paragraph is not removed; the content remains while only the "paragraph format" is cleared

Spanish Translation - English-Spanish Dictionary of Special Education Terminology
Go!English-Spanish IEP Translation Dictionary - various vocabulary terms that may be encountered when translating public school material, especially Special Education literature
Go!Contents of Special Ed Translation Dictionary - click here to bypass the word-search interface of the dictionary and go straight to the contents
Go!The "Innards" of the Dictionary Program - view and/or copy the Perl code that causes the dictionary search and retrieval program to run

Perl Programming
Go!Basic Perl Regex Syntax - a handy table with wildcard characters and escape sequences necessary for string manipulation in Perl
Go!Sample Perl Code with Code Commenting - view this workable code to see how Perl subroutines and regexes are put to use
Go!Perl Pattern Matching - another useful reference table with special characters for tabs, newlines, digits, alphanumeric characters, etc
Go!Ascii Utf8 Table - the corresponding ascii code, hex code, utf-8 code, and HTML code for over 500 characters
Go!Tic Tac Toe - a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game written in Perl CGI
Go!Perl Tools - the welcome page for the Perl section of this site. Contains the links listed here and a few other references to information on other web sites

Tips and Tools for Webmasters
Go!Ascii Utf8 Table - a table listing the ascii code, hex code, utf-8 code, and HTML code for common characters as well as accented letters and special symbols
Go!Avoid Spam - three ways to protect your email address when you want to publish the address on your web site
Go!HTML Color Codes - hex codes used to specify background colors in HTML
Go!Different Browser Capabilities - a chart illustrating the varying levels of support for frames and other concepts according to browser edition
Go!Fonts on the Web - a helpful page about using font faces in HTML
Go!Web Tools - the index page for the Web Tools section of this site

Go!An Easy-to-Use Pop-Up Blocker - a free pop-up blocker that I have used with great results
Go!Pop-Up Blocker Tip - how to change the sound played when a pop-up is blocked
Go!Graphical Resume - my résumé in graphics format
Go!Kelly K. Jones - Resume - my résumé in HTML format
Go!Notes About Internet Standards - learn about web standards and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Go!Tic Tac Toe - a simple web-based version of tic-tac-toe programmed by me